You’re currently paying insurance on your new car, which makes sense. In the event you are involved in an accident, you are covered and, depending on how bad the damage is, it could be repaired. But you may also be carrying insurance on an older car you barely drive. The policy probably costs more than what your junk car is worth. Rather than continuing to cover the junk car, cancel the policy and sell your old car to Gershow Recycling. Get money for your junk car instead of wasting money on it.
When you first bought your old car, it wasn’t in the same condition as it is now. You probably bought the top-tier policy that covered every square inch of the car. But as the years went on, there was some coverage you didn’t need to pay for anymore, but you never got around to changing the policy. As a result, you continued to pay for theft or collision damage, for example. Gershow will buy your junk car, regardless of its age or condition. Plus, if your car is more than eight years old, Gershow will not ask you for a title.
Each year, Gershow buys thousands of junk cars from hardworking Long Islanders and puts money in their pockets. They also make the junk car buying process easy: they will come to you, tow away your unwanted car for free, and pay you cash right on the spot!
If you are continuing to pay insurance on a car that is heavily damaged or is too expensive to repair, stop paying and earn top dollar for your old or junk car by working with a “cash for cars” junk and auto salvage company like Gershow. They have nine convenient locations throughout Suffolk and Nassau Counties and Brooklyn. To sell your junk car, or for more information, call (631) 371-2031 or visit